
How to Write Sports News

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Sports news is the coverage of events, results, and accomplishments in the world of sport. These stories often have a larger significance outside of the field, such as the impact of a player’s injury on his or her career, the effect of a team’s financial situation on the city in which they play, or the controversy surrounding the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports.Find out

As with any news article, a successful sports piece starts with a solid hook. A hook is short and direct, providing readers with the most essential elements of a story in a compelling way that encourages them to keep reading. After a hook, the next section of a sports piece explains how and why something happened, such as the winning score of a game or the breaking of a long losing or winning streak.

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Sports writers also tend to use vivid description and emotion when writing about a game or event. This helps to capture a sense of place, and can add a personal dimension to the writing that appeals to readers.

As in other forms of journalism, a sports writer needs to maintain objectivity. While some fans, coaches and even some players can be swayed by the allure of a devoted following, it is up to the sports writer to avoid cheerleading for their teams. Similarly, he or she should not engage in biased speculation, such as second-guessing the coaching decisions of their home team.