Snake plants are beloved houseplants that are often overlooked because they are so easy to care for. However, even these resilient plants can turn yellow due to a variety of reasons.
What does an unhealthy snake look like?
Yellow leaves on snake plant indicate a lack of chlorophyll, which is essential for healthy plant growth. When a leaf loses chlorophyll, the rest of the plant will stop tending to it and focus instead on the healthier leaves. This can be quite upsetting when you see a smattering of yellow leaves on your otherwise healthy snake plant.
The most common cause of snake plant yellowing is overwatering. If your snake plant is overwatered, it can lead to root rot and other health issues that will quickly turn the leaves yellow. To correct this, check the soil and make sure it isn’t soggy before watering again.
Overfertilizing can also cause yellowing in your snake plant. You should only fertilize this plant once or twice a year. Using a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is ideal for this plant species.
Another common reason for yellowing snake plants is too much direct sunlight. If this is the case, try moving your snake plant to a more shaded spot.
Finally, temperature changes can also cause a snake plant to turn yellow. To prevent this, move your snake plant to a cooler area and bring it back inside when the weather turns warm.