
Boric Acid Suppositories – How to Use a Ph Balance Suppository

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Boric acid suppositories are an effective, natural way to help balance the pH of your vagina. This helps eliminate odor, itching, and other symptoms associated with BV infection.

How many times do you insert boric acid?

A pH of 3.7 to 4.5 is considered a normal, healthy vaginal environment. When your pH is a bit higher, it can allow bacteria to grow and create vaginal odor.

Having an imbalanced pH can make it more difficult for the body to fight off germs, especially during menstruation, intimacy, or even sexual intercourse. It can also lead to discomfort and other issues such as odor and itching. Find out :

Your ph needs to be in balance for you to feel your best. It can be hard to keep track of your own pH and how it might be affected by various factors like hormones, dietary habits, medication, and other life events.

The most important thing to do is to use a ph balance suppository, which can be applied to your vagina as needed to keep your pH at the proper levels. This suppository is easy to insert and will dissolve within minutes.

It is best to use it after sex, during your period, or anytime you are experiencing an imbalanced pH. It is also helpful to use it when you are trying to get rid of a yeast or bacterial infection.

You can find a ph balance suppository at your local health food store or online. However, be sure to check the ingredients and dosages to ensure you are getting the right product for your specific needs.